Custom Reporting
Custom Reporting


Create reports with the custom report builder

WithHubSpot'scustomreportbuilder,youcananalyzemultipledatasourcesacrossHubSpot.Thedifferencebetweenthecustomreportbuilderandothertypes ...

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Create a Custom Report Type

Choose the primary object you'd like your new report type to support, then give it a name and a useful description. Mark it as “in development” until you'.

Create a custom report using Report Builder

2023年11月20日 — To create a custom report using Report Builder, click Reports at the top of your navigation bar. Screenshot of Reports button. Click Build ...

Create custom reports

2023年4月26日 — Custom report builder: an advanced report builder that enables you analyze objects in relation to marketing, sales, and service activities.

Create reports with the custom report builder

With HubSpot's custom report builder, you can analyze multiple data sources across HubSpot. The difference between the custom report builder and other types ...

Custom Reporting

Custom Reporting lets you create reports specific to your needs. For example, assessing personal performance, presenting statistics to leadership, or archiving ...

Custom reports

Custom reports let you define combinations of data that are not available in the standard reports. Custom report output is always displayed in tabular format.

Intro to Custom Reports

2023年10月16日 — Custom reports help you analyze information and answer specific questions you may have around data or specific activities. When you create a ...

[UA] About Custom Reports

A Custom Report is a report that you create. You pick the dimensions (City and Browser, for example) and metrics (Sessions, Pageviews, and Bounce Rate, ...

[UA] Create and manage Custom Reports

Create a Custom Report. Sign in to Google Analytics. Navigate to your view. Open Reports. Click Customization > Custom Reports > +New Custom Report.


Choosetheprimaryobjectyou'dlikeyournewreporttypetosupport,thengiveitanameandausefuldescription.Markitas“indevelopment”untilyou'.,2023年11月20日—TocreateacustomreportusingReportBuilder,clickReportsatthetopofyournavigationbar.ScreenshotofReportsbutton.ClickBuild ...,2023年4月26日—Customreportbuilder:anadvancedreportbuilderthatenablesyouanalyzeobjectsinrelationtomarketing,sales,andserviceactiviti...